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Chunky rings

Stone color
Cercei Pearl on Circle LisaConcept
Cercei Pearl on Circle LisaConcept

Pearl on Circle earrings

Silver plated with yellow gold

Cercei Pearl on Circle - Aur 14K LisaConcept
Cercei Pearl on Circle LisaConcept

Pearl on Circle earrings

Yellow gold

Last items
Cercei Argint Anchor Shape LisaConcept
Cercei Argint Anchor Shape LisaConcept

Silver Anchor Shape Earrings

Silver plated with yellow gold

Cercei Floating Pearl Lisa&Co.
Cercei Floating Pearl Lisa&Co.

Cercei Argint Floating Pearl

Argint placat cu aur galben

Cercei Globe S Lisa&Co.
Cercei Globe S Lisa&Co.

Globe Earrings S

Silver plated with rhodium

Cercei Pearl Wave LisaConcept
Cercei Pearl Wave LisaConcept

Pearl Wave Earrings

Silver plated with yellow gold

Cercei Hefty Hoops LisaConcept
Cercei Hefty Hoops LisaConcept

Hefty Hoops Earrings

Yellow gold

Cercei Band Earcuff Lisa&Co.

Cercei Argint Band Earcuff

Argint placat cu aur galben

Cercei Fragment Square Lisa&Co.
Cercei Fragment Square Lisa&Co.

Cercei Argint Fragment Square

Argint placat cu aur galben

Cercei Fragment LisaConcept
Cercei Fragment LisaConcept

Fragment Earrings

Argint placat cu aur galben

Cercei Droplet LisaConcept
Cercei Droplet LisaConcept

Droplet earrings

Silver plated with yellow gold

Cercei Hefty Hoops LisaConcept
Cercei Hefty Hoops LisaConcept

Hefty Hoops Earrings

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Cercei Bold Hoop LisaConcept
Cercei Bold Hoop LisaConcept

Bold Hoop Earrings

Silver plated with rhodium

Comming soon
Out of stock
Cercei Teardrop In The Loop LisaConcept
Cercei Teardrop Hoops LisaConcept

Teardrop Hoops Earrings

Silver plated with yellow gold

Cercei Droplet Clips LisaConcept
Cercei Droplet Clips LisaConcept

Droplet Clip Earrings

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Cercei Mini Circle Droplet L LisaConcept
Cercei Mini Circle Droplet L LisaConcept

Mini Circle Droplet L Earrings

Silver plated with yellow gold

Last items
Inel Hefty Ring LisaConcept
Inel Hefty Ring LisaConcept

Ring Hefty Ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Inel Open Wave Lisa&Co.

Ring Open Wave

Silver plated with yellow gold

Last items
Lanț Herringbone LisaConcept
Lanț Herringbone LisaConcept

Herringbone chain

Silver plated with yellow gold

Comming soon
Out of stock
Lanț Grip LisaConcept
Lanț Grip LisaConcept

Chain Grip

Silver plated with yellow gold

Last items
Colier Argint Countess Pearls LisaConcept
Colier Argint Countess Pearls LisaConcept

Colier Argint Countess Pearls

Argint placat cu aur galben

Colier Argint Wavy Loop LisaConcept
Colier Argint Wavy Loop LisaConcept

Colier Argint Wavy Loop

Argint placat cu aur galben

Lanț Pod on the Move LisaConcept
Lanț Pod on the Move LisaConcept

Pod on the Move chain

Silver plated with yellow gold

Cercei Knot Hoops LisaConcept
Cercei Knot Hoops LisaConcept

Knot Hoops Earrings

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Lanț Mira Silver LisaConcept
Lanț Mira Silver LisaConcept

Mira Silver chain

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Colier Mira - silver Lisa&Co.
Colier Mira - silver Lisa&Co.

Mira necklace - silver

Silver plated with rhodium

Inel Heartfelt LisaConcept
Inel Heartfelt LisaConcept

Heartfelt ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Graceful LisaConcept
Inel Graceful LisaConcept

Graceful ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Daring LisaConcept
Inel Daring LisaConcept

Daring Ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Faceted LisaConcept
Inel Faceted LisaConcept

Faceted ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Inel Joyful LisaConcept
Inel Joyful LisaConcept

Joyful ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Inel Delightful LisaConcept
Inel Delightful LisaConcept

Delightful ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Complex Lisa&Co.

Complex Ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Waved LisaConcept
Inel Waved LisaConcept

Waved ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Stripes LisaConcept

Ring Stripes

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Confident LisaConcept
Inel Confident LisaConcept

Confident Ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Fearless LisaConcept
Inel Fearless LisaConcept

Fearless Ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Powerful LisaConcept
Inel Powerful LisaConcept

Powerful ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Loud LisaConcept
Inel Loud LisaConcept

Ring Loud

Silver plated with rhodium

Inel Bold II LisaConcept
Inel Bold II LisaConcept

Ring Bold II

Silver plated with rhodium

Inel Strong LisaConcept
Inel Strong LisaConcept

Ring Strong

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Bold I LisaConcept
Inel Bold I LisaConcept

Bold I ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Inel Optimistic LisaConcept
Inel Optimistic LisaConcept

Optimistic Ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Inel Faithful LisaConcept
Inel Faithful LisaConcept

Faithful ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Empathetic LisaConcept
Inel Empathetic LisaConcept

Empathetic Ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Present LisaConcept
Inel Present LisaConcept

Present Ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Last items
Inel Charming LisaConcept
Inel Charming LisaConcept

Charming ring

Silver plated with rhodium

Inel Courageous LisaConcept
Inel Courageous LisaConcept

Courageous ring

Silver plated with rhodium



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Vă rugăm să rețineți că lucrăm de marți până sâmbătă, între orele 10:00 și 19:00


